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What We Believe

The Religious Society of Friends is historically a Christian denomination that began in England in the 17th century.  Now there are Quakers all over the world, with varying beliefs and practices. 


The name of the Religious Society of Friends comes from a Bible passage that expresses our most fundamental tenet. In John 15:15, Jesus says to his disciples: "I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father." We believe that every individual has the potential for direct access to God. 


Our form of worship arises from this basic belief, as does our embrace of diversity of all kinds and our commitment to social justice. We value the promptings of individual conscience, tempered by the corporate discernment of our community and by the guidance of wisdom from sacred and revered texts. In a world in which God is speaking always and everywhere, we're open to inspiration from many and sometimes unexpected places.


Friends have found that, while specific beliefs may vary, our dedication to living close to God brings us to live in certain ways. These are some of the practices we strive to follow, sometimes referred to as "testimonies":







Learn more


Friends General Conference, a national organization of unprogrammed Friends, provides many resources for Quakers and the public.


QuakerSpeak, a video project, provides information through interviews with Friends, including a series of videos for newcomers.


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